Upgrade Guide

Smooth way is to use composer, a dependency manager for PHP.

Run composer update and the job is done (almost).

If you are doing a major upgrade, find the upgrade guide down there.

To next !

  • Delete App\Entity\*
  • Upgrade database bin/console doctrine:schema:update --force --complete
  • Remove composer remove pushword/svg (and from bundles !)

To 0.1.9973

In your assets/webpack.config.js, upgrade the getEncore function to add at the first parameter the symfony webpack-encore dependecy (const Encore = require('@symfony/webpack-encore')).

Permit to avoid the compilation error.

TypeError: The 'compilation' argument must be an instance of Compilation

## To 0.1.084

* Delete src/DataFixtures folder
* Update composer.json to allow sf7 `6.*` -> `6.*|7.*`

## To 0.0.800

-   Update doctrine

php bin/console make:migration && php bin/console doctrine:migrations:migrate

- Update main content's block

php vendor/pushword/admin-block-editor/src/Installer/Update795.php~

- **Update front-end to tailwind 3** by keeping only `@pushword/js-helper` as dependency in your `assets/package.json` and **simplify** `webpack.config.js` and, if needed, `app.js` and `app.css` (see the simpliest way `packages/skeleton/assets`) ## To 0.0.728 - Update stylesheets

cd assets && yarn && yarn encore production

- Update doctrine

bin/console make:migration && bin/console doctrine:migrations:migrate

## From PiedWeb/CMS 0.0.86 to Pushword - switch dependencies from piedweb/cms to `pushword/core` (composer + src/Entity) - install required extension (like `pushword/admin`, have a [look in the extensions list](/extensions)) - Delete symlinks in `config/packages` - Update database ``` bin/console make:migration && bin/console doctrine:migrations:migrate ``` - Update config by moving static under apps where first host is static.domain. ``` ... apps: - {hosts: [mywebsite.com, preprod.mywebsite.com], base_url: https://mywebsite.com} ``` - Delete `feed*.xml` and `sitemap*` files in `public` - Update your custom template file - Search for all `<!--` in `mainContent` and put them in `customProperties`'s textarea