
Versioning pages with Pushword CMS.


composer require pushword/version

Add Routes

    resource: "@PushwordVersionBundle/VersionRoutes.yaml"
# or do it in 1 command line
# $ sed -i '1s/^/version:\n    resource: "@PushwordVersionBundle\/VersionRoutes.yaml"\n/' config/routes.yaml


This extension automatically (event sucriber on page update and persist) store a serialized version of the current page.

It adds a new admin (reachable for each page under created at field) wich list all versions for a page.

Then you can switch from one or an other version (identified by it h1 and the *_updated date_).

 Does it work with Flat ?

Yes, but you need to install admin extension to able to restore a previous version from a page. Else you can use a Versioning tool like git.