Build Content First websites rapidly
Manage and maintain it as quickly

Puswhord is a page-oriented CMS built on the reliable PHP ecosystem.

It make it easy to rapidly create, manage and maintain incredible Website(s).

Bonus, managing multi-site, internationalization and page vesioning is so simple.

Want a demo ? This website is built with Pushword with flat file management.

You may prefer a block editor with an admin dashboard, it's possible with simply installing an extension (officially maintained to avoid compatibility's nightmare like in wordpress plugins).

See how to install easily Pushword and take time to adjust it at your needs.

Or look at the detailled features

Create content and publish it on the web smoothly

Easy to install
Run it in a few seconds

Pushword run on a classic up to date PHP environnement (and Composer). You have this on your machine or just a cheap shared host ? So you are able to install it in a few seconds.

Learn more about requirements and installation.

By default, it works without dirty work. It looks so simple. But don't be wrong, you can do amazing custom thing with it !

PHP 8 // Symfony 7

Look ! It's a symfony application under the hood

To create Multiple sites with multiple languages (i18n) and managing them on multiple domains you don't need to extend the core. Simple site and complex content network can be managed easily with Pushword without extension.

You want a blog or a documentation website ? Just install Pushword and play.

Want another feature ? Look at the  extensions.

Not finding the one you want ? Pushword is built as a symfony bundle so just extend your research to them or find an expert developper to make your wish reality.

Just Write
Are you more Flat-file CMS or Full Featured Admin Notion-Like?

Pushword offers the two ways to manage a site :

  • A simple, functionnable and efficient default Admin, if you come from Wordpress, you will find your way easily. Have a look to the Notion-Like block editor
  • a powerfull flat-file CMS, you will be able to edit your content or your template files from where you want (nextcloud folder, VSCode, Obsidian, git compatible...)

Be unique : theme it quickly
Do you know Tailwind CSS and Twig ?

Thanks to Tailwind CSS and Twig, you will be able to customize the default theme rapidly if you master html and css.

Maybe you will prefer rebuild your own custom theme. Do as you wish, you use Pushword.

Want to see how easy it is ? See this documentation website assets and template files.

Searchable website
Want to be found on google ?

Pushword was initially crafted by a seo and developper consultant. Being on the first page of search result matters !

So Pushword manage title, h1, schema, meta, nice url and so .

But discover more SEO feature like health checker (dead links checker), internal links improver (suggest links to add in your content) and more...

Woring about speed to perform on Google Discover ? If default installation is not fast enough for you, you will fall in love with the Static Website Generator.

Design to last
Do you want to rebuild a new fancy website each year?

Pushword is crafted to last. Source code is high quality, open source and well tested.

Bringing a new feature or refactor your code will be painless. Thanks to symfony best practices and code static analysis it will last in the time.

Thanks to open source package and their contributors
Pushword CMS is built on top of

And a few more amazon open source (dependencies).


Time to read the docs or have a look to the source code.

And follow @Robind4 on twitter or github to be notified about updates.